Winthrop University
212 Dinkins Hall
Rock Hill, SC 29733
(803) 323-3451
Academic Year: October 2
Summer: March 1
Fall: October 2
Spring: March 1
NSE: February 1
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Ming Chuan University

Term To Study: Spring 2015
Application Deadline: Oct 01, 2014
Program Starts: Jan 05, 2015
Program Ends: May 01, 2015
Major 1: Broadcasting, Film & Media Production
Subject 1:
Major 2: Communications
Subject 2:
Major 3: Hospitality / Tourism Management
Subject 3:
Major 4: International Relations
Subject 4:
Major 5: Area / Ethnic Studies: Asian
Subject 5:
Major 6: Computer & Information Technology
Subject 6:
Major 7: Business Management
Subject 7:
Major 8: Foreign Language / Literature Mandarin
Subject 8:
Program Category: One-Country
Program Type: Exchange
Link 1: Ming Chuan International page
Program Locations: Taipei
Contact Name: Winthrop International Center
Contact Email:
What is Included: Paying Winthrop tuition fees to Winthrop covers your tuition costs at Ming Chuan University.
What is not Included: $500/ semester Housing in shared dormitory
$700/semester for meals
Estimated Costs: $135 Passport
$30 Residence Visa (obtained in the US before you leave)
$90 Residence certificate (obtained in Taiwan)
$200 Winthrop Study Abroad Application Fee
$325 Winthrop Study Abroad Participation Fee
$1200 International airfare (estimated)
$120 National Health Insurance (required)
$150 Books and Supplies (estimated)
$150 Local transportation (estimated)
$1,500 Personal spending money (estimated
program facts-taiwan.pdf
Program Description

Ming Chuan University in Taipei or Taoyuan, Taiwan

The academic year or one-semester exchange program at Ming Chuan University (MCU) is designed to expose students to Taiwanese people and their culture. The university is for students who are interested in professional studies (taught in English) and the Mandarin language. Ming Chuan has two campuses, one in the capital city of Taipei and one about 40 minutes from Taipei in Taoyuan. The student’s course of study will determine at which campus they study.

Quick Facts

Population: 23113901
Capital: Taipei
Per-capita GDP: $ 38200
Size: 35980 km2
Time Zone: (GMT) Dublin

US State Department

Travel Warning: YES
See :
Country Specific Info.

Winthrop University Winthrop University International Center