Famous for its fjords and its Viking history, Norway is located on the Scandinavian Peninsula, and is bordered by Finland, Sweden, and Russia. Although it climate varies, Norway has four distinct seasons. Its topography is considered mountainous, a high terrain, and glaciers that are mostly above the Arctic Circle. Norway is also described as "Land of the Midnight sun", which is a result of the long days in the summer where the sun either never sets or is up for at least 20 hrs.
The Constitutional Monarchy is located in the capital, Oslo, which is represented by a ceremonial crown and a Prime Minister. The crown, today, symbolizes the national unity of Norway. Norway is not a member of the European Union, and therefore still uses its Norwegian Krone. The Norwegian economy is considered a combination of free market activity and government intervention. Regardless, the Norwegian standard of living is ranked among the highest in the world.
In Norway, the Rights of Passage are still of strong cultural standing, although it is considered one of the least religious countries in the world. Its architecture is influenced by the Romans, Vikings and vernacular architecture, which is obvious when looking at the Burgund Stave Church in Laerda. The cuisine is becoming more globalized, despite such; Norway is popular for its use of fresh produce in its dishes and its mead, a honey wine.
Quick Facts
Population: 4,707,270
Capital: Oslo
Per-capita GDP: $ 54200
Size: 323,802 km2
Time Zone: (GMT + 01:00 hour) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris
Country information is adapted from public domain resources including the CIA World Fact Book and www.Wikipedia.org.
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