Winthrop University
212 Dinkins Hall
Rock Hill, SC 29733
(803) 323-3451
Winthrop Study Abroad
Policies & Eligibility
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Getting Started
Steps to Study Abroad
Group Advising
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National Student Exchange
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Academic Year: October 2
Summer: March 1
Fall: October 2
Spring: March 1
NSE: February 1
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Congratulations, you are on your way to studying abroad! Please complete the following steps to schedule your advising appointments.

Step 1: Create an online account:

Even before you are ready to study abroad, it is beneficial to create an online study abroad profile so you can browse through study abroad programs, get invited to special study abroad-related events and presentations, and make the International Center aware of your interest in study abroad. To create an account:

• Click on Create Account (in left-hand menu), fill in the relevant fields and choose a secure Password for your account.

• Fill in all the profile sections listed (Academic Info., Program Preferences, Current Address, etc.).

Step 2: Attend a study abroad group advising session:

We offer two sessions per week. You MUST attend one session (30 minutes in length) before you can make a one-on-one appointment with the Study Abroad Coordinator or Study Abroad Peer Mentors.

Group Advising Sessions will be offered in the Study Abroad Resource Room in Dinkins 217:
Tuesdays 11-11:30 am
Fridays 2-2:30 pm

Step 3: Set up a one-on-one advising appointment.

Once you have created an online study abroad account and attended the group advising session, you can schedule an appointment online with a peer mentor ( or the Study Abroad Coordinator ( Please be sure to bring specific questions to your meeting, and have at least one program or location in mind. 

Winthrop Study Abroad Student Photos

Winthrop University Winthrop University International Center